I'm posting this for anyone who may feel the urge to visit beautiful Slovenia, even if you're not a therapist. If it were not for Dizzy, I would most certainly attend this!
Anyone who is interested in Colour is invited to participate in a special event being hosted by Professor Tadeja Jere-Lazanski of Slovenia. Please forward this email invitation to your friends and clients.
This trip includes a 2 day colour exploration course and an opportunity to connect with other practitioners from across the world, as well as spending leisure time exploring Slovenia. I have had the pleasure of several visits to this beautiful country, it is rich in culture, natural heritage and friendly locals. The buildings, riverside cafes, castles, lakes, forests and mountains are quite awesome to see. The flag of Ljubljana has a green dragon on it, and there is a green dragon bridge in the city which we will be visiting. The food is excellent and varied as Slovenia has many countries on their borders and influences of various European dishes are found on menus.
Average temperature for October is 14 degrees.
For bookings, kindly contact Moira Bush at
moira@colourmirrors.com and confirm your participation by 15 July.
Proposed Itinerary
7 October 2010
Arrive in Ljubljana, Slovenia
8 October 2010
10:00am to 16:00pm: The Origins of Colour Therapy by Melissie Jolly
Evening plans include dinner, live music, a movie from NASA
We will have journalists and reporters visiting the course.
Tadeja will also share some of her findings in working with the Colour Mirrors system.
9 October 2010
10:00am to 16:00pm: The Origins of Colour Therapy continued
Evening plans include dinner, walk around the old town of Ljubljana
10 October 2010
10:00am to 13:00pm: Visit to the National Gallery
14:00pm to 20:00pm Sightseeing trip to Bled, Alpine Slovenia. Includes tour of castle, church, lake and a reception by the Mayor of Bled in the Town Hall. Dinner in Bled.
11 October 2010
10:00am Day trip to coastal Slovenia
12 October 2010
9:00 to 11:00 Conclusions, plans for future
11:30 Farewell drink
Budget Plan
These are estimates to help you plan a basic budget for the trip. The currency used in Slovenia is Euros.
(Flights from England: Easy Jet departs Stansted Airport to Ljubljana £30 per person. These are the cheapest fares we found on our Google search for the UK participants. Flight costs will vary from different countries.)
Taxi fared from Ljubljana airport to Hotel M: 20 Euros per trip
National Gallery visit: 4 Euros per person (group rate)
Average lunch: 15 Euros
Average dinner: 15 Euros
Hotel M: 40 Euros bed and breakfast for single room. 70 Euros for double room/couples.
(normal rates are 80 to 110 Euros, Tadeja has negotiated discounts)
Transport cost for the 2 day trips to be shared amongst participants: quote for a bus is 600 Euros. For example if 30 participate, the cost will be 20 Euros per person (10 Euros per trip).