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 Post subject: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:15 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:49 am
Posts: 2930
There is quite a massive, long term flood going on in our parts. It's a complicated problem that combines record snowfall (that is still melting) up in North Dakota, record rainfall along the routes that fill the Missour river, levees that are breaking (some of which is being caused by badgers????!!!), by natural and man-made engineering....small rural cities are being evacuated, the nuclear power plant is now an island & it's going to get worse.

Some of the upstream recreational dammed lakes are having to release their contents, which are flowing @ a rate of 150mgpm: a relative speed is Niagara Falls, which runs at 100. There is some argument about this measurement, for apparentally H2O volume per acre is more accurate.

I've lived through two of the top three floods in Omaha & it was frightening (course the Phyllix tried to head for higher ground-only to put us on a bridge that was running over our fenders....whew). The worst was in 1952-a hundred year flood.

This flood is not one that will crest and subside. It's going to keep running clear thru January, scour the earth and farmland, wipe out many farmers, rural communities & near river dwellers (including our airport). Some folks are moving their belongings to other places or upstairs, while they fill their basements with the hose. Apparently, it equalizes the water pressure and keeps the rancid flood waters out the house. It's predicted that the river area is going to be one giant skating rink come winter.

Has anyone heard anything about it across the pond. I'm interested, because this has been going on for months & it was kept so quiet that even my sis didn't have a clue & she thought I was making it up for about a month.

There's plenty of news to seen if you search Missouri river flooding. This is the type of event that may eliminate an ancient crossbow lake (Carter Lake) and creat a new one. We are at a very low risk of being flooded (175 US blocks from the river and on super high ground), but our energy infrastructure is at risk.

 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:05 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:46 pm
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Location: Masterton New Zealand
Very worrying Linnyx! China is receiving similar from nature. I suspect that these disasters have always happened but we humans are now so succesful as a species that every event now has a dramatic effect. In AD 186 there was a cataclysmic eruption from the Taupo region. The atmospheric effects were noted in China and Europe but no one lived here then. Not a soul!
A graphic to illustrate:

If that happened today hundreds of thousands would be killed and the rest would live in misery for decades.

Civilisation is a veneer- easily soluble in alcohol!

 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:13 am 
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Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:56 pm
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Now YOU have made me nostalgic for NZ, Ciderman! :) I have that very graphic and remember Lake Taupo very well indeed - in fact I have a small sample of it's very light pumice in front of me now.

Now, back on topic, there was a small mention of heavy rains and floods in Nebraska on one of our newscasts some time ago but nothing before or since. It did cross my mind that it was in 'Linny Country' but as you hadn't posted about it I didn't think it was that serious. I was wrong. However, I am glad that you are safe, Linny, and hope that your energy substructure will survive without too much inconvenience to you.

I hope the nuclear power plant does not go the Fukushima way!


Blessed are the crack'd - for it is they who will let in the light.

 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:49 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:04 pm
Posts: 4618
My god, Linny, I hadn't heard about this either! And a I watch CNN & CBS American news channels!

As you say, this is going to change the whole landscape of that area. :shock: And has to be a consequence of climate change.

Some folks are moving their belongings to other places or upstairs, while they fill their basements with the hose. Apparently, it equalizes the water pressure and keeps the rancid flood waters out the house.

That sounds a very intelligent thing to do. But eventually, peeps are just going to have to move away from here....no?


 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:54 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:49 am
Posts: 2930
When you live by a river the size and scope of the Missouri (most familiar may be the Mississippi), eventually...this will happen given the right circumstance of weather. For example-I mentioned Carter Lake. Here is what wiki said about it:

"Carter Lake is a former channel of the Missouri River and was formed in the summer of 1877. The city of Carter Lake, Iowa takes its name from the lake. The lake was formed from the Saratoga Bend in the Missouri River."

What it doesn't say is that a meandering channel of this river will create a lake after a flood event that literally scours a new path, leaving the former channel isolated & then it becomes a lake. I thought it interesting that they did not mention the flood of 1877. Carter Lake is technically part of Iowa, but is on the wrong side of the river, because the Missouri was the borderline when the states were mapped (Nebraska became the 37th state on March 1, 1867). These people have built homes exceeding $500k....which is breathtaking, & obviously some real estate agents idiotic idea, to make a huge amount of money from folks who had not done their homework, and/or forgot, weren't alive to remember how it was formed.

This flood has been complicated into a cluster by the Corp of Engineers (who are taking a LOT of heat & all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories are "out there."), who have built dams for recreation, wetlands eco-systems, etc.; as well as a perfect climatic "storm." Hydrology is a very complicated science that occupies environment geologist's skillset perseverantly. I am so grateful for accidentally taking those classes back in the day.

I was very fortunate to have some dear friends who are called "river rats." It's a perjorative that makes them laff, for they KNOW the river, choose to live there and will probably rebuild if there is anything left to rebuild on. FEMA works alot better on a chronic timeline (vs. a Magnitude zillion, such as that devil of a hurricane down south).

Hope I don't sound too clinical. This is a very bad thing & everyone is on tenterhooks, for a long time. It presents an opportunity for kindness, for the cities are responding with great compassion for families, livestock and even animals. Many of our social services (homeless shelters, inner city children's programs, food bank distribution shelters) will be impacted. There's a program where people adopt families, make storage available, house people and animals.
I'll let you know, if it is of interest-what goes on that may be off the media. I'm still shocked that this was held under wraps for so long.

Thanx for your time, good wishes and comments. The good news is, that it is happening slowly-so a Fukushima is not likely. They have already shut down as much as possible. We worry for those that are down river...for there will be dramatic pollution as it courses downstream (just think of the sewage, livestock, farm chemicals....eeks!!!!)

Grandpa Young always said, "Water runs downhill." But I think he was talking about premarital sex. :lol:

 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:40 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:46 pm
Posts: 2103
Location: Masterton New Zealand
Strange that we too, have had very little coverage of this major event.

Civilisation is a veneer- easily soluble in alcohol!

 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:52 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:04 pm
Posts: 4618
We are having massive flooding here all over the UK at the moment. Sometimes in areas where they've never had it before and, in any case, worse than anything anyone can ever remember.

After a 'drought spring', it just rained & rained all year (apart from 2 weeks in London during the Olympics!) The ground is waterlogged & saturated, and every time it rains even a little bit more, rivers overflow their banks & whole towns get flooded. It's quite serious. Some folks have had their homes washed out 3 times this year. Which means they'll never get any insurance again, & possibly will never be able to sell their houses. The global weather is turning the world on its @rse.

 Post subject: Re: 500 year flood in the Midlands of the US
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:29 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:49 am
Posts: 2930
It has been a very trying weather year hasn't it? I feel so bad for the flooded people. I've never been in a hurricane, but have seen/survived the horror of flooding & it's partner's, disease, molds, uninsurability, lack of power....and the cleanup. Sending good thotx to all. xox

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